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Search for: [null = "CONTENTS \-\- ARTICLES • STUDlES \-\- The EU's Common Commercial Policy and Its Post\-Entry Implications for Poland's Trade \/ Ewa Latoszek \-\- The Evolution ofLobbying in the European Union \/ Katarzyna Tarnawska \-\- Accession to WTO of Transition Economies in Light of Polish Experience \/ Jan Jakub Michałek \-\- The Concept of Minimum Humanitarian Standards \/ Krzysztof Drzewiecki \-\- BRIEFINGS \-\- Participation of a Polish Military Unit in the Stabilization Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina \/ Andrzej Jóźwiak, Czesław Marcinkowski \-\- REVIEWS • NOTES \-\- Od Londynu do Waszyngtonu. NATO w latach dziewięćdziesiątych \(From London to Washington, NATO in the Nineties\) \(Bogusław Świetlicki\) \/ Robert Kupiecki \-\- Polska droga do wolności, 1939\-1995 \(Poland's Road to Freedom, 1939\-1995\) \(Franciszek Gołembski\) \/ Pierre Buhler \-\- Stosunki międzynarodowe w Europie 1945\-1999 \(International Relations in Europe 1945\-1999\) \(Andrzej Podraza\) \/ Stanisław Parzymies \-\- The Baltic States\: Problems and Prospects of Membership in the European Union \(Mariusz Gasztoł\) \/ Dzintra Bungs \-\- The World Trade Organization and the Developing Countries \(Anastazja Gajda\) \/ Rasheed Khalid, Philip Levy, Mohammad Saleem \-\- NOTES \-\- INTERNATIONAL CHRONOLOGY \(Barbara Wizimirska\)."]

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