
Szukana fraza: [Spis treści = "I. VECTORS \: Freedom and Solidarity\: Polish Message to Europe. Address by Bronisław Geremek, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Presented at the Ceremony of Awarding Him Charlemagne Prize, Aachen, 21 May 1998 \-\- Polish\-NATO Relations on the Eve of Admission to the Alliance \/ Bogusław Świetlicki \-\- The Polish OSCE Chairmanship \/ Jerzy M. Nowak \-\- Policy on Polish Communities Abroad\: Condition, Achievements, Assumptions \/ Jacek Junosza\-Kisielewski \-\- II. MULTILATERAL COOPERATION \: Main Directions of UN Work in 1998 and Participation of Poland \/ Zbigniew Matuszewski \-\- Poland's Relations with the European Union \/ Maciej Popowski \-\- Poland's Foreign Economic Relations \/ Janusz Kaczurba \-\- Poland and the Council of Europe \/ Mirosław Łuczka \-\- Transfrontier and Interregional Co\-operation \/ Kazimierz Jóskowiak \-\- Baltic Co\-operation \/ Piotr Adamiuk \-\- III. BILATERAL RELATIONS \: Relations with the United States \/ Bogusław Winid \-\- Relations with Germany \/ Urszula Pałłasz \-\- Relations with France. Weimar Triangle. La Francophonie \/ Mariusz Kazana \-\- Review of Poland's Bilateral Relations with European States \/ Jadwiga Stachura \-\- Relations with Russia \/ Artur Michalski \-\- Relations with Lithuania \/ Barbara Wizimirska \-\- Relations with Ukraine \/ Mirosław Cieślik \-\- Relations with Belarus \/ Jerzy Stankiewicz \-\- Relations with the Czech Republic \/ Wojciech Krzywicki \-\- Relations with Hungary \/ Regina Jurkowska \-\- Relations with Canada \/ Daria Stańczyk \-\- IV. OPINIONS \: A Satisfying Year \- Themes to Ponder \/ Zdzisław Najder \-\- V. REVIEWS \: The International Activity of the President of the Republic of Poland \/ Danuta Hubner \-\- Third Sejm on Foreign Affairs \/ Barbara Wizimirska \-\- Activity of the Office of the Committee for European Integration and the Negotiating Group in 1998 \/ Jarosław Pietras \-\- Main Issues in Polish\-Jewish Relations \/ Małgorzata Dzieduszycka\-Ziemilska \-\- International Instruments to Protect Global Environment in the 1990s. Poland's Position \/ Wojciech Ponikiewski \-\- VI. ANNEX \: The Organisational Structure and Top Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Personnel of the Polish Foreign Service \/ Barbara Wizimirska \-\- Poland's International Obligations \/ Barbara Wizimirska."]

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Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych. Polska. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych. Zarząd Obsługi.

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