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Search for: [null = "The Iraqi Catalyst \/ Ryszard Stemplowski \-\- Poland in the European Union. What Foreign Policy\? \/ Jerzy Buzek \-\- European Social Democracy in the Face of Globalisation \/ Tadeusz Iwiński \-\- Modern Readers of Sienkiewicz \/ Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Agata Bielik\-Robson \-\- What Is Social Exclusion\-A Brief Introduction to the Concept \/ Dorota Lepianka \-\- Concerns and Hopes. Roman Catholics and the European Union \/ Ksawery Knotz OFMCap \-\- Reflections of a Historian on the Moral and Political Message of the Lublin Union for Present Times \/ Jerzy Kłoczowski \-\- Indivisible Sovereignty \/ Ryszard Stemplowski \-\- Some Remarks on Central European Policy \/ Krzysztof Szczerski \-\- The Inclusion of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary in NATO\: Their Significance to the Transatlantic Partnership \/ Józef Fiszer \-\- New Directions in Research into the Role of Institutions in Economic Growth and Transformation \/ Andrzej Wojtyna \-\- The Problems of Unemployment at the Polish\-German Frontier in the Context of Poland's Integration with the European Union \/ Ewa Nowińska\-Łaźniewska, Jacek Kotus \-\- The Absent Are Right \/ Tomasz Łubieński \-\- GAZETA WYBORCZA ON POLISH REASON OF STATE \-\- It's the Security, Stupid\! \/ Andrzej Olechowski."]

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