@misc{_The_2005, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, contents={Polish-American Relations in the Aftermath of the War in Iraq / Mark K. Mełamed -- The UN in the 21st Century: In Search of a New Paradigm / Teresa Łoś-Nowak -- The Future of the UN-Reinterpretation or Amendment of the UN Charter? / Łukasz Kulesa, Rafał Tarnogórski -- John Paul II and the Law / Bogdan Szlachta -- Multi-centricity of the Contemporary System of Law and Its Consequences / Ewa Łętowska -- Harmonisation in Europe from the Polish Perspective / Aleksander Cieśliński -- Historical Experience As a Factor Shaping Polish Security Policy / Witold Sokała -- Security Policy of the Transdniestrian Moldovan Republic / Janusz Solak -- The Importance of the Polish Language in the International Job and Education Market. Remarks after the First Year of the Certification of Polish As a Foreign Language / Władysław T. Miodunka.}, year={2005}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, type={czasopismo}, title={The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 5, no. 2 = 15 (2005)}, keywords={Polska, sytuacja międzynarodowa, polityka zagraniczna poszczególnych państw, stosunki międzynarodowe, czasopisma}, }