@misc{_Yearbook_2001, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, contents={The Year 2000 in Polish Foreign Policy / Barbara Wizimirska -- I. VECTORS : Vision and Potential: for a New Direction in European Integration / Władysław Bartoszewski -- Poland's Security at the Outset of the 21st Century / Marek Siwiec -- II. POLAND AND THE EUROPEAN UNION : Intergovernmental Conference 2000: the Polish Position / Introduction by Minister Bronisław Geremek -- Federation and an Enlarged Union / Jan Kułakowski -- Negotiations on Poland's Membership of the European Union / Ewa Haczyk -- Report on Costs and Benefits of Poland' s Integration with the European Union / Marcin Święcicki -- The Regular Report from the European Commission on Poland's Progress Towards Accession / Andrzej Krzysztof Harasimowicz -- Decisions of Nice European Council and Their Significance for Poland / Stanisław Parzymies -- Poland's Economic Relations with the European Union in 2000 / Magdalena Burnat -- III. MULTILATERAL CO-OPERATION : Interregional and Transfrontier Co-operation / Zbigniew Krużyński -- Regional Co-operation in Central Europe / Paweł Ukielski -- Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region / Grażyna Gójska-Gdula -- Poland's Participation in the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe / Marcin Nawrot -- IV. BILATERAL RELATIONS / Maciej Pisarski, Marcin Czech, Jakub Rudnicki, Jadwiga Stachura, Adam Szymczyk, Marcin Piotrowski, Zofia Szmyd, Wiktor Ross, Małgorzata Ławacz, Tadeusz Lichota -- V. PROBLEMS : Democratic Davos in Warsaw / Roman Kuźniar – Implementation by Poland of Its International Human Rights Obligations in the Light of Assessments by Treaty Organs / Janusz Symonides -- Relations with the Jewish Diaspora / Wojciech Adamiecki -- VI. OPINIONS : The Polish Eastern Policy Debate / Zdzisław Najder -- Poland between America and Europe: Distorted Perspectives / Olaf Osica -- VII. REVIEWS : Engagement of the President of Poland in Promoting Integration with the European Union / Paweł Świeboda -- International Activity of the Third Sejm / Barbara Wizimirska,Tomasz Wieśniak, Magdalena Skrzyńska, Aleksandra Wojtal -- International Activity of the Stefan Batory Foundation / Piotr Kosiewski -- VIII.ANNEX : Personnel of the Polish Foreign Service ; Poland's International Obligations.}, year={2001}, publisher={Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych}, language={eng}, title={Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy, 2001}, keywords={Polska, polityka zagraniczna, stosunki międzynarodowe}, }