@misc{_The_2002, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, contents={Transatlantic Dialogue / Ryszard Stemplowski -- The Beneś Decrees. A Review of Positions / Krzysztof Bałon (ed.) -- The Letter of the Bishops from the 316th Plenary Conference of the Polish Episcopacy / Bishops on European Integration -- Poland in the New Geopolitical Situation of the Past Decade / Jerzy Holzer -- International Co-operation Issues Under a Scenario of Globalisation / Eugeniusz Kośmicki -- Inventory of a Difficult Heritage / Jerzy Kłoczowski -- A New Type of Warfare? / Krystian Piątkowski -- The Participation of Women in the Armed Forces of the North Atlantic Alliance / Edyta Posel-Częścik -- Towards a Coalition of Cultures / Ryszard Stemplowski -- Arabesques : About European Converts to Islam / Adam Szostkiewicz -- Central Europe - Defining Criteria and Characteristics of the Region / Jerzy Stańczyk -- International Law Compared with the Constitutions of Central and Eastern European Countries (Outline of the Problem) / Roman Kwiecień -- The Future of Nation-States in the United Europe - discussion.}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, title={The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 2, no. 2 = 3 (2002)}, type={czasopismo}, keywords={Polska, sytuacja międzynarodowa, polityka zagraniczna poszczególnych państw, stosunki międzynarodowe, czasopisma}, }