@misc{Wiśniewski_Bartosz._Republicans_2012.10.26, author={Wiśniewski, Bartosz.}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2012.10.26}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, abstract={If positions taken by a presidential candidate during the campaign are any indications of the kind of policies that would be implemented in case of electoral success, then Republican Mitt Romney’s foreign and security policy agenda could be labeled as}, title={Republicans on U.S. foreign policy : Romney's reluctant embrace of neoconservatism}, keywords={polityka zagraniczna poszczególnych państw, neokonserwatyzm, Stany Zjednoczone, wybory/głosowanie, bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe, polityka obronna/polityka bezpieczeństwa}, }