@misc{Żornaczuk_Tomasz._How_2012.10.15, author={Żornaczuk, Tomasz.}, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, year={2012.10.15}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, abstract={Ever since the European Union expressed its commitment and support to the Western Balkans states’ ambitions to join the Community, the region has for years constituted the central scene for EU enlargement and Common Foreign and Security Policy. Yet, so}, title={How to upgrade Poland's approach to the Western Balkans? : Ideas for the Polish presidency of the V4}, keywords={Kosowo, Chorwacja, Serbia, Czarnogóra, Albania, Macedonia, integracja europejska, rozszerzenie i przystąpienie do podmiotów międzynarodowych, Organizacja Paktu Północnoatlantyckiego, Bałkany, Unia Europejska, Grupa Wyszehradzka}, }