@misc{_The_2002, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, contents={Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Origins, Status, Program - and Vision / Jan Woroniecki -- Escape, Expulsion and Forced Displacement / Włodzimierz Borodziej -- Anti-Terrorism and Hegemony / Ryszard Stemplowski -- Civilisational Myths / Bronisław Wildstein -- Strangeness and Proximity of Islam / Anna Krasnowolska -- To Cross the Border of the West / Mateusz Fałkowski -- A Europe of Nations - but What Kind of Nations? : The Nation in the Debate on Poland's Integration with the European Union / Sławomir Sowiński -- National and Cultural Identity and the Economic Integration of Europe / Leszek Kasprzyk -- The Role of National Parliaments in the European integration Process from the Perspective of Efforts Undertaken by the European Union to Overcome the Phenomenon of Democratic Deficit / Robert Grzeszczak -- Relations between the Holy See and the Central and Eastern European States : Current Problems and Perspectives / Józef Krukowski -- The "Strategic Partnership" between Poland and Ukraine / Ryszard Zięba -- National Identity versus Foreign Policy in the Republic of Moldova / Adam Eberhardt.}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, title={The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 2, no. 3 = 4 (2002)}, type={czasopismo}, keywords={Polska, sytuacja międzynarodowa, polityka zagraniczna poszczególnych państw, stosunki międzynarodowe, czasopisma}, }