@misc{_The_2005, address={Warsaw}, howpublished={online}, contents={An Exercise in Imagination. An Attempt at Assessment of the EU Constitutional Treaty / Rafał Trzaskowski -- What Future for the European Constitution, What Fate for European Integration? / Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse -- The Duchy of Europe or the "Europe" System?. Some Observations about the Future of the European Union / Krzysztof Szczerski -- Poland's Accession to the European Union-Initial Experiences / Elżbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska -- Poland's Council of Ministers and Government Administration and Membership in the European Union: Selected Constitutional Problems / Marian Grzybowski -- Belarusian Mass Media-a Permanent Crisis? / Miron Musiał -- State Theory and the CoId War / Richard Maguire -- The Concept of a Central European Federation between 1939-1943 as an Expression of Polish Traditions of European Integration / Witold Wojdyło -- Stanisław Pstrokoński's Forgotten "1945 Plan for a European Community / Stanisław Burdziej.}, year={2005}, publisher={Polish Institute of International Affairs}, language={eng}, title={The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 5, no. 3 = 16 (2005)}, type={czasopismo}, keywords={Polska, sytuacja międzynarodowa, polityka zagraniczna poszczególnych państw, stosunki międzynarodowe, czasopisma}, }