@misc{_The_1994, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, contents={Contents -- Editor's Note -- ARTICLES. STUDIES -- Dilemmas of the Partnership of Peace / Andrzej Karkoszka -- NATO in the Post-Cold War Era / Janusz Prystrom -- Atlantic Alliance and Security Policy in Western Europe / Stanislaw Parzymies -- Differentiation of NATO Membership (Selected Legal and Military Aspects) / Jerzy Menkes, Alina Prystrom -- CFE Treaty in the Post-Yalta System / Jerzy M. Nowak -- The Military Status of the Former GDR and the Poland's Policy of Approaching NATO / Jarosław Drozd -- Russia and the Making of the New Collective Security : System on the Territory of the Former USSR -- BRIEFINGS -- THE CSCE High Commisioner on National Minorities -- Role of the United Nations Body in the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law / Jovica Patrnogic -- Rules of Humanitarian Treatments of Individuals in Situations of Internal Disturbances and Tensions : Prospects for Protection and Regulations / Piotr Daranowski -- DIPLOMATIC ARCHIVES -- Soviet-West German Relations (introduced and selected by Mieczysław Tomala) -- REVIEWS.NOTES -- Bezpieczeństwo Polski w zmieniającej się Europie (Poland's Security in a Changing Europe) (Tadeusz Chabiera) -- System europejskiej współpracy politycznej w integrowaniu Europy (The System of European Political Cooperation in the Integration of Europe) (Grażyna Bernatowicz) / Zbigniew Czachór -- Central and Eastern Europe: The Challenge of Transition (Katarzyna Żukrowska) -- Economic Developments in Cooperation Partner Countries from a Sectoral Perspective (Katarzyna Żukrowska) -- Blauhelme in einer Turbulent Welt. Beitrage Internationalen Experten zur Fortenwicklung des Volkerrechts und der vereinten Nationen (Alina Prystrom) / Winrich Kuhne -- Livre blanc sur la defense 1994 / Stanisław Parzymies -- Program Gajdara. Wnioski dla Polski i Europy Wschodniej (Gaydar's Programme, Conclusions for Poland and Eastern Europe) (Andrzej Kupich) / Marek Dąbrowski (ed.) -- Die Sonderwirtschiftszone Jantar von Kaliningrad (Koningsberg). Bilanz und Perspektiven (Jarosław Drozd) -- Rumunia. Historia. Współczesność. Konflikty narodowe (Romania. History. Present Time. National Conflicts) (Franciszek Gołembski) / Józef Darski -- Ireland and Poland. Comparative Prospects (Marcin Kula) / Patrick Clancy, Mary Kelly, Jerzy Wiatr, Ryszard Zoltaniecki -- Democracy vs. National Security: Civil Military Relations in Latin America (Jerzy Menkes) -- Notes -- INTERNATIONAL CHRONOLOGY.}, year={1994}, publisher={Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych}, language={eng}, title={The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Vol.3, no.2, 1994}, keywords={Polska, międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, zimna wojna (konflikt Wschód-Zachód), polityka zagraniczna, stosunki międzynarodowe}, }