Struktura obiektu

Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy, 2000


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych. ; Polska. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych. Zarząd Obsługi.


Polska ; polityka zagraniczna ; stosunki międzynarodowe

Spis treści:

I. VECTORS : Polish Thoughts on Europe / Bronisław Geremek -- Poland in NATO: Year One / Andrzej Towpik -- II. POLAND AND THE EUROPEAN UNION : The European Union is for Us a Challenge and an Opportunity / Jan Kułakowski -- Poland's Relations with the European Union / Maciej Popowski -- The European Union Aid Programmes for Poland in the Nineties / Maria Celina Błaszczyk -- III. MULTILATERAL CO-OPERATION : Poland in Renewed Visegrad Group / Wojciech Krzywicki -- Baltic Co-operation / Stanisław Michałowski -- Poland's International Economic Relations. Facts and Assessments / Janusz Kaczurba -- IV. BILATERAL CO-OPERATION : Relations with the United States / Maciej Pisarski -- Relations with Germany / Marcin Czech -- Relations with France / Mariusz Kazana -- Relations with Italy / Adam Szymczyk -- Relations with the Holy See / Piotr Samerek -- Relations with the Netherlands / Ryszard Wojtal -- Relations with Russia / Artur Michalski -- Relations with Lithuania / Mariusz Gasztoł -- Relations with Latvia and Estonia / Aleksander Gubrynowicz -- Relations with Ukraine / Zofia Szmyd -- Relations with Belarus / Jerzy Stankiewicz -- Review of Poland's Bilateral Relations with European Countries / Jadwiga Stachura -- V. OPINIONS : Seemingly Better, Actually Worse / Zdzisław Najder -- Quality of State Structures, Sovereignty and Eastern Policy of Poland / Antoni Kamiński -- Crisis or Normalcy? Reflections on Contemporary Polish-German Relations / Andrzej Sakson -- The Case of Kosovo and Polish Approach / Marek Waldenberg -- VI. REVIEWS : Activity of the President of the Republic of Poland in the Field of Foreign Policy / Paweł Świeboda -- International Activity of the Third Sejm in 1999 / Barbara Wizimirska -- Polish Communities Abroad as Viewed from Non-Governmental Standpoint / Andrzej Stelmachowski -- Participation of the Polish Armed Forces in Peacekeeping Missions in the Nineties / Franciszek Kochanowski -- Transfrontier Co-operation in Polish-German Borderland / Krzysztof Kociubiński -- Polish-Jewish Relations / Małgorzata Dzieduszycka-Ziemilska -- VII. ANNEX / Barbara Wizimirska : Personnel of the Polish Foreign Service ; Poland's International Obligations.

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Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych

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PII3814; PII3815



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