Struktura obiektu

Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy, 2004


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych. ; Polska. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych. Zarząd Obsługi.


Polska ; polityka zagraniczna ; stosunki międzynarodowe

Spis treści:

I. VECTORS : Information of the Government of the Republic of Poland on the Polish Foreign Policy in the Year 2003 / Delivered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz at the Sejm Session of 22 January 2003 -- Poland's Engagement in the War and Stabilisation in Iraq / Jarosław Bratkiewicz -- Polish Security Policy at the Time of Crisis in Transatlantic Relations / Robert Kupiecki -- Foreign Policy in Public Debate / Barbara Wizimirska -- II. POLAND AND THE EUROPEAN UNION : The European Union and Poland: An Evaluation Attempt / Michał Czyż -- Policy of the Enlarged European Union toward Eastern Neighbours: Poland's Contribution / Andrzej Cieszkowski -- III. PROBLEMS : Poland in Transatlantic Relations / Jadwiga Stachura -- Strategy for Poland's Development Co-operation / Paweł Bagiński -- Poland in the United Nations. For a New Political Act: A Polish Initiative / Sergiusz Sidorowicz -- Poland's External Economic Relations / Mariusz Gasztoł -- IV. BILATERAL AND MULTILATERAL RELATIONS : Relations between Poland and the United States / Dariusz Wiśniewski -- Poland's Relations with Germany / Stanisław Michałowski -- Poland's Relations with France / Stanisław Parzymies, Sylwia Kanarek -- Poland's Relations with Asia-Pacific Countries / Tomasz Kozłowski -- Visegrad Co-operation / Jacek Gajewski -- V. CHRONICLE OF POLAND'S FOREIGN RELATIONS IN 2003 / Barbara Wizimirska -- VI. ANNEX : Personnel of the Polish Foreign Service / Agata Stachura.

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Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych

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PII3814; PII3815



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