
Tytuł: The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, Vol. 1, no. 1 = 1 (2001)


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych.

Spis treści:

The President of the Polish Republic in Conversation with the Editor of The Polish Diplomatic Review. -- Our Fragile World : A Conversation with Ryszard Kapuściński / Artur Domosławski and Aleksander Kaczorowski -- Political System and Foreign Policy : Democracy and Foreign Policy / Władysław Bartoszewski -- Political System and Foreign Policy / Bronisław Geremek -- Political System and Foreign Policy : European Union - Polish Project in Progress / Andrzej Olechowski -- Political System and Foreign Policy / Dariusz Rosati -- Poland in the World System : Transformation of the Political System and Foreign Policy Making / Ryszard Stemplowski -- The Constitution and Poland's Membership in the European Union / Marek Safjan -- The Myths and Complexes of East Central Europe / Piotr Wandycz -- Polish-Lithuanian Cooperation in the Area of Security / Beata Górka-Winter -- A Comparative Study of Polish-Lithuanian Relations / Sławomir Dębski -- 20th Century Poles and Lithuanians: in Search of Security / Ceslovas Laurinavićius -- Europe - Vision and Mission / Zdzisław Krasnodębski -- The Global Challenge for Western Civilization / Joseph E. Bigio -- TYGODNIK POWSZECHNY ON POLAND'S EASTERN POLICY -- European Security and Defence Identity : The Polish Viewpoint / Ryszard Zięba -- Joseph Conrad's Europe / Zdzisław Najder -- Delusions and Dilemmas of Poland's Eastern Policy : In Praise of Minimalism / Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz -- Dispute on Poland's Eastern Policy: Daydreaming Is Detrimental / Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz -- Harmful Views / Wojciech Maziarski -- Let Us Have a Serious Issue With That / Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz -- Against Minimalism / Czesław Miłosz -- Giedroyć Still Relevant / Bogumiła Berdychowska -- Poland - Ukraine: Fraternal Relations? / Michał Wawrzonek -- Dispute on Poland's Eastern Policy: State Interest Comes First / Tadeusz Andrzej Olszański -- The Debate on Eastern Policy: All Possible Mistakes Have Already Been Made "Realism, Pragmatism, Idealism?" - a debate organised by Tygodnik Powszechny and the Stefan Batory Foundation / Jerzy Pomianowski.

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Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polish Institute of International Affairs

Data wydania:






PII3905; PII3939



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28 paź 2014

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13 paź 2014

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