
Tytuł: The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Vol.2, no.1, 1993


Polska Fundacja Spraw Międzynarodowych.

Spis treści:

Editor's Note – ARTICLES and STUDIES : The Geostrategic Factors Conditioning Poland's Security / Roman Kuźniar -- The Disintegration of the USSR and Central European Security / Antoni Z. Kamiński, Lech Kościuk -- The Breakup of Czechoslovakia: Some Thoughts About Its Implications / Thomas S. Szayna -- Central Eastern Europe in United Germany's Foreign Relations / Christoph Royen -- Polands Security Policy / Andrzej Karkoszka -- Security and Insecurity in Post-Cold War Europe / Stuart Croft -- The CSCE Forum for Security Cooperation / Janusz Prystrom --The Disarmament Dividend in the Process of Systemic Transformation / Maciej Perczyński, Paweł Wieczorek -- BRIEFINGS : Rules of Engagement for the Polish Navy / Marek Ilnicki, Andrzej Makowski -- DIPLOMATIC ARCHIVE : How the West Saw October (Poland, 1956) / Marcin Kula – REVIEWS and NOTES : European Security in the 1990s: Problems of South-East Europe. Proceedings of the Rhodes Conference (6-7 September 1991) / (Franciszek Gołembski) -- Strategic Studies in a Changing World: Global, Regional and Australian Perspectives / Desmond Ball, David Homer (eds.) / (Alina Prystrom) -- RAMSES 93. Rapport Annuel Mondial sur le Systeme Economique et les Strategies / Thierry de Montbrial (ed.) / (Stanisław Parzymies) -- SIPRI Yearbook 1992. World Armaments and Disarmament / Janusz Prystrom -- Friedensgutachten 1992 / Reinhard Mutz, Gert Krell, Heinz Wismann (eds.) / (Alina Prystrom) -- Defining U.S. Forward Presence in Europe: Getting Past the Numbers / William T. Johnsen and Thomas Durell-Young ; Challenges to Eastern European Security in the Nineties / Stephen Blank and Thomas Durell-Young ; The Normalization of the Federal Republic of Germany's Defense Structures / Thomas Durell-Young / (Zygmunt Janiec) -- Wird Europa sicherer? Zwischen kollektiver und nationaler Sicherheit / Heinz Gärtner / (Jarosław Drozd) -- The International Arms Trade / Edward J. Laurance / (Paweł Wieczorek) -- Restructuring of Arms Production in Western Europe / Michael Brzoska, Peter Lock (eds.) / (Katarzyna Żukrowska) -- The Lessons of Modem War / Anthony H. Cordesman, Abraham R. Wagner / (Marek J. Malinowski) -- Negotiations with the Russian Federation Concerning the Withdrawal of Russian Military Forces from the Territory of the Republic of the Lithuania / (Jerzy Tomaszewski) -- La France et I'OTAN. De la guerre froide au nouvel ordre européen / Frédéric Bozo / (Stanisław Parzymies) -- Uwarunkowania działalności sił morskich na Bałtyku (Aspekty strategiczno-obronne i prawnomiędzynarodowe) / Andrzej Makowski ; (Determinants of Naval Activity in the Baltic) / (Lech Kościuk) -- Warszawa-Bonn 1945-1991. Stosunki polsko-niemieckie. Analiza i dokumenty ; (Warsaw-Bonn 1945-1991. Polish-German Relations. Analysis and Documents) / Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, Mieczysław Tomala (eds.) ; Polska-Niemcy. Dobre sąsiedztwo i przyjazna współpraca ; (Poland-Germany. Good-neighbourship and Peaceful Cooperation) / Jan Barcz, Mieczysław Tomala (eds.) / (Jarosław Drozd) -- 329 dni. Zjednoczenie Niemiec w zapiskach kanclerza / Horst Teltschik / (Mieczysław Tomala).

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Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych

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