
Tytuł: The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Vol.2, no.4, 1993


Polska Fundacja Spraw Międzynarodowych.

Spis treści:

ARTICLES and STUDIES : The United Nations as a Peacekeeping Factor: Law and Practice / Renata Sonnenfeld -- The Role of the CSCE in Conflict Settlement / Piotr ŚwitaIski -- The Role of Amnesty lnternational as a Non-Governmental Organization in Monitoring Observance of Human Rights in Internal Conflicts / Wojciech Szołyga -- Economic Cooperation in Post-Cold War Europe / Edward Haliżak -- Spain's European Policy: Lessons for Poland / Grażyna Bernatowicz -- BRIEFINGS : The Dispute between Bosnia and Herzegovina and New Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in the International Court of Justice / Renata Szafarz -- DIPLOMATIC ARCHIVE : Inside Warsaw Pact Headquarters / Tadeusz Pióro -- REVIEWS and NOTES : Narodnaya demokratiya: mif iIi realnost’? / Tatiana V. Volokitina, Galina P. Murashko, Albina F. Noskova -- Obshechestvenno-politicheskiye processy v Vostochnoy Yevrope 1944-1948 gg. / (Jerzy Tomaszewski) -- The Promises We Keep, Human Rights, the Helsinki Process, and American Foreign Policy / William Korey / (Halina Ognik) -- The Future of Eastern and Central Europe in the World Economy / Gábor Fóti (ed.) / (Andrzej Lubbe) -- Making Markets. Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States (Andrzej Kupich) -- Europäisches Sicherheit nach dem Ende des Warschauer Paktes / Erhard Forndran, Hartmut Pohlman (Hrsg.) / (Alina Prystrom) -- Polacy wobec Niemców. Z dziejów kultury politycznej Polski 1945- 1989 (Polish Attitudes to Germans. Notes on the History of Political Culture in Poland, 1945-1989) / Anna Wolff-Powęska (ed.) / (Mieczysław Tomala) -- Deklarationen und Realiteten (Die Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Volk Republik Polen von der Unterzeichung des Warschauer Vertrages bis zum Abkommen über gute Nachbarschaft und freundliche Zusammenarbeit 1970-1991 / Krzysztof Miszczak / (Mieczysław Tomala) -- Weltordnung oder Chaos? / Albrecht Zunker (Hrsg.) / (Jarosław Drozd) -- Politychni obyednannya Ukrainy / Artur O. Bilous / (Alina Czerniawska) -- The Impact of Technology on Human Rights. Global Case-studies / Christopher G. Weeramantry (ed.) / (Katarzyna Żukrowska) -- Arms Industry Limited / Herbert Wulf (ed.) / (Katarzyna Żukrowska) -- Defining Power. Influence and Force in the Contemporary International System / John M. Rothgeb, jr. / (Marek Menkiszak) – INTERNATIONAL CHRONOLOGY.

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Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego


Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych

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8 gru 2014

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15 paź 2014

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